Monday, July 30, 2007

Top 5 incredulous exclamations brought on by watching Colleen Jones on CBC Newsworld

1) You're a Sports Reporter?! She may be the winningest female curler in Canadian history, but she knows sweet F.A. about sports. I mean real sports -- ones that may actually raise the heartrates of participants more than say, doing laundry. I once heard her mispronounce LeBron James' name. Come on. He's kinda famous.

2) Buy this woman a monitor!! I'm so sick of listening to this woman botch highlight reels as she obviously reads a script (which I'm sure she didn't write) without even bothering to try to match her words to the pictures we're watching on the screen. It's painful. As a sports fan, I find it not only amateurish, but also insulting. I'd rather watch Chantal Hebert do the sports.

3) Nice frickin' hair!! I didn't create this blog to make personal attacks on Ms. Jones, but man, if you were going to be on TV in front of the whole country, wouldn't you at least run a comb through you're hair? She looks like she rode work in the crow's nest of a pirate ship. And that lipstick? She looks like Steve Buschemi in Billy Madison -- and if that's the case, I think I just earned myself a top spot on her hitlist.

4) Talk much?! I know it's early in the morning, but come on, Colleen. Have a cup of coffee or something. She stumbles over her words so much she makes Paula Abdul sound like Lawrence Olivier. If you're going to look that bad, take a cue from Peter Mansbridge and at least make sure you sound good.

5) How did you get this job?! She's like the female Don Cherry. She's untrained, unpolished, possibly illiterate and difficult to watch. It's bad enough that the CBC will give airtime to a bumbling, senile bigot like Cherry, but as poorly spoken and abbrasive as the old fart is, at least he can claim a significant cult following. On air, Colleen is about as polished as an extra in a Trailer Park Boys outtake and her misprounced names, missed cues and general scatterbrained, slipshod delivery is enough to make you ... well, start a blog to have her fired.


oleboy said...

I agree, we can't stand her, she's just too phony


Mumra said...

Are you sure that she is the sports reporter? Isn't she just the weather person making the odd comment on the sports scene. Surely they wouldn't make her the sports reporter. I don't watch Newsworld in the morning so haven't seen her except late in the day giving the weather. Which would explain why she was asking about the heat at the NASCAR race in Montreal

maxtheman said...

I can't handle this moron. Count how many times she says "of course". I have counted 4 or in less than 30 seconds. What does "of course" mean. A fact, basically. Video will be playing of some storm or whatever, and she will say "of course this is Toronto" Duh. Heather Hiscox is just as bad. These two words should never be uttered by a professional. Ooops, forget, she ain't no professional.

Marvin said...

I have written the people at CBC at least three times asking them to have Colleen Jones stop saying "of course". Nobody there either cares or has no guts. What does it take to make this twit stop? Now, if more people used the online form at CBC and did the same, they might get the message. This nerd needs to be fixed. I always sign it "The Coalition for the Improvement of Colleen Jones.
Actually, the woman can't be improved, it's not possible. But, at least quit with the "of course". It's just not professional to utter this junk.

maxtheman said...

This morning this pathetic carbon based unit known as Colleen Jones pronounced Spokane (Wash.) incorrectly. Oh well, what else is new with with dickhead

maxtheman said...

this pathetic carbon based unit just pronounced Spokane (Wash.) wrong. Par for the course. I urge you all, email CBC about this dickhead

Jose Marino said...

Get a life

len fortune said...

Colleen's a great Canadian with experience and class in spades.

She's typical East-coast girl - and someone I would want on my side when things get tough.